Patricks super adventur

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9 Responses to Patricks super adventur

  1. Josh says:

    In the beginning, I was so hooked to read your story, and it was really good

  2. sungj says:

    at the beginning it hooked me so I wanted to read it

  3. mcdem says:

    this story was mind blowing i wonder if you should be an author

  4. caruk says:

    Patrick i like the falling bit:)

  5. kouam says:

    it was amazing

  6. jazmine says:

    wow good work pat

  7. KORNELIA says:

    Nice story Patrick!
    Where did you get the inspiration from?
    Even better if you used more adverbs.

  8. georgia says:

    In your story it really got me hooked it made me feel like I wanted to read more.

    how did you think of the title?

    next time you could of made it more eye catching 🙂

  9. Patrick says:

    Oki ill try guys.

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