Kenning 1

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11 Responses to Kenning 1

  1. Anonymous says:

    We think this kenning is about a squirrel!

  2. Anonymous says:

    We think this kenning is about a squirrel!

  3. Anonymous says:

    we think that it was an squril from Kyle and niasha

  4. Anonymous says:

    we think this kenning is about a squirel


  5. Anonymous says:

    We think this kenning is about a Squirrel because it is a spring reminder and a acorn finder.
    From Isabella and Darlene

  6. Anonymous says:

    this kenning is about about a squirle because they like acorns and they like climbing up trees from Georgia and Charles

  7. Anonymous says:

    We think it’s about a squirrel because they take acorns

    from Josh, Serenna and Melina

  8. Anonymous says:

    we think it’s a sqiurrel because they like Acorns

    from charmagne and ceyan

  9. Anonymous says:

    We think this kenning is about a squirrel because they love acorns and sleep during the winter which makes them lose their acorns. Like the kenning says, Winter Snoozer, Acorn Loser. also because a squirrel shake trees when climbing them and because they break acorns to get the nut inside. Also they love the woodlands. from Mark, Jake and Thomas

  10. Anonymous says:

    we think this is about a squirel because it is a acorn chaser nut cracker!!!!!!!!
    senceily ella and sim’on

  11. Anonymous says:

    We think this is a squiural because they like nuts.

    From Sienna and Kornelia

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