We think this kenning is about a squirrel because they love acorns and sleep during the winter which makes them lose their acorns. Like the kenning says, Winter Snoozer, Acorn Loser. also because a squirrel shake trees when climbing them and because they break acorns to get the nut inside. Also they love the woodlands. from Mark, Jake and Thomas
We think this kenning is about a squirrel!
We think this kenning is about a squirrel!
we think that it was an squril from Kyle and niasha
we think this kenning is about a squirel
We think this kenning is about a Squirrel because it is a spring reminder and a acorn finder.
From Isabella and Darlene
this kenning is about about a squirle because they like acorns and they like climbing up trees from Georgia and Charles
We think it’s about a squirrel because they take acorns
from Josh, Serenna and Melina
we think it’s a sqiurrel because they like Acorns
from charmagne and ceyan
We think this kenning is about a squirrel because they love acorns and sleep during the winter which makes them lose their acorns. Like the kenning says, Winter Snoozer, Acorn Loser. also because a squirrel shake trees when climbing them and because they break acorns to get the nut inside. Also they love the woodlands. from Mark, Jake and Thomas
we think this is about a squirel because it is a acorn chaser nut cracker!!!!!!!!
senceily ella and sim’on
We think this is a squiural because they like nuts.
From Sienna and Kornelia